Build Shame Resistance and Share Your Story: Steps for Senior Holistic Health and Zesty Change

holistic-health Apr 14, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body...

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Is It Time to Revitalize Your Life with Holistic Health and Natural Weight Loss, Belly Fat?

holistic-health Apr 06, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body...

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Ready for a Zesty Change? Embrace Holistic Health and Holistic Weight Loss!

holistic-health Mar 30, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years.

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body and get...

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Keep Going with Natural Health and Sustainable Weight Loss

holistic-health Mar 23, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body...

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Find Zesty Joy in Everyday Life with Natural Health and Sustainable Weight Loss

joy-in-movement Mar 17, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body...

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weight loss Mar 11, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to loose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you loose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your...

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Apple Cider Vinegar a Day Boosts Gut Health and Holistic Weight Loss!

gut-health Mar 03, 2023

Hello, my lovely ladies!  

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting!

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

Get Up, Get Dressed,Get Out  

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body...

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Heartbreak can put us into a state of terrible anger, loneliness, and depression.

lifestyle Feb 26, 2023
As it’s heart month, I want to talk about a specific type of pain and trauma…heartbreak. 
Did you know 50% of marriages fail after the age of 50? This means that if you’ve broken up with a partner or spouse, you’re not alone. I've been through two divorces. The last one took 9 grueling years to complete. I know your pain!
Heartbreak weighs us down. It can put us into a state of terrible anger, loneliness, and depression.

I’ve experienced several different types of heartbreak in my life, including giving up my daughter for adoption. All of these incidents required great healing.

In order to heal and process, you need to surround yourself with people who love you and care for you. Talking through your heartache and pain is the most healing thing you can do. It's so easy to feel alone in times of hardship. Take the time to reach out to people and fill them in on what's going on with you.
Here's moving prose about healing your pain:
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Fire Up Your Metabolism

holistic-health Feb 18, 2023
February is heart month, and not just for Valentine’s Day!
Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Without it, you wouldn’t be here. I had to start caring for my heart when, after a visit to the doctor, I found out my blood pressure was too high.
It was either I got on medication or I brought it down on my own. Did you know there are easy ways to bring down your blood pressure without being on a life-long pill? They really work!
I was able to lower my blood pressure by 10 points by walking 45 mins a day. This was recommended by my cardiologist. I'm committed to doing it every day. I avoided having to go on blood pressure meds with this Get up, Get Dressed and Get Out routine and daily practice. Here are easy ways you can keep your heart healthy:
  1. Walk: 45 minutes of walking everyday and losing 10 pounds brought my blood pressure into normal range
  2. Lose Weight: Reduce blood pressure by losing weight approx 1...
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It's all in your commitment and your mindset to forgive.

mindset Feb 11, 2023
You’re learning to let go of anger and lead a more peaceful life. But what about the final step…forgiveness?
It can seem impossible when someone has harmed you deeply to move on from what they’ve done. Even if they’re someone that you’d want an amicable relationship with in the future, forgiveness can feel out of reach. 
The truth about forgiveness is that it isn’t for the other person. It’s for YOU and the peace that it will bring you so you can release the pain of what happened and focus on the future. 
How can you mend relationships with the people who hurt you or come to terms with what happened if closure isn’t an option?
“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." - Martin Luther King
A recipe for forgiveness. It's all in your commitment and your mindset to forgive.
1 cup of kindness. 3 cups compassion. 1 cup forgetful heart. 4...
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