Black Friday and the Start of a Season: Staying Centered Amidst the Frenzy

Hello, my radiant ladies!

Are you ready for the most magical (and let’s admit it, busiest) time of the year? Black Friday has officially kicked off the Christmas shopping season, and with it comes the hustle, the excitement, and, yes, the stress. I don’t know about you, but it seems like every year the season starts just a little earlier, and with it comes a flurry of lists, obligations, and emotions.

Before we dive into the joys and to-dos, I want to take a moment to connect. For me, this season always feels like a dance between the sheer delight of festive lights and the weight of the endless tasks. Maybe you can relate?

Here's a little reminder to get your 2025 planner to stay organized in this crazy time and get a jump on  tracking your new year's  zesty plans and resolutions!

Planner Info  

I’m Sharon, your 75-year-young holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach, and I’m here to guide women over 50 into their most empowered, joyful, and...

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