Spotlight on Broccoli—A Bone-afide Good Reason to Stock Up

broccoli Sep 20, 2024

How Broccoli Supports Strong Bones 

My 5 Favorite Ways to Eat Broccoli: Recipes Easy Enough for Anyone to Try


I spend a lot of time sharing information about the unique herbs and botanicals that are found in natural supplements as a step toward vital aging, but this is not to discredit all of the nutrient-packed foods that also contribute to a balanced diet. 


From the time many of us are young children, broccoli has gotten a bad rap simply for being a vegetable instead of a sugary and delectable piece of cake. As I grew older and accepted that eating well and exercising are keys to a long and healthy life, I realized I had a bone to pick with whoever decided to put the idea into children's heads that broccoli wasn’t an appetizing food. 


Not only is it an extremely versatile vegetable that can be transformed through a huge variety of dishes, but they are also rich in various vitamins and other properties that make them so good for our bodies. 

One of their particularly appealing properties for those of us who are invested in maintaining optimal health as we age is their high calcium and vitamin K contents, which helps support bone health. As people (especially women) age, our Natural Vitamins , making us more susceptible to broken bones, injury, and other conditions. Vitamin K and calcium work together to help build strong bones, making broccoli the perfect food to indulge in for anyone concerned about their bone health, now or for the future. 


This was such an exciting discovery for me because one of my biggest goals in life is to stay active as I age. All of my favorite pastimes, including hiking, playing tennis, and skiing with my grandchildren, require strong and healthy bone. I cannot imagine life without these hobbies, and am looking forward to being able to continue them for many years ahead because of all the knowledge I now have about maintaining my bone health as I age.


Intrigued by the benefits of broccoli but looking for new recipes to make it more appealing? Here are my 5 favorite broccoli-based recipes that I’ve tried and loved!




I don’t mean to be dramatic, but if you haven’t tried roasting your broccoli, be it in an oven or air fryer, you haven’t lived! Steamed (aka, soft and mushy), or even worse, bland raw broccoli, can get so boring after awhile—or you know, even on first taste. Roasting broccoli, however, exposes a whole new world of taste that you probably didn’t realize could be found in this staple green. It brings a softened crunch to the vegetable that cannot be reproduced by steaming or eating it raw, and is a very versatile method that can be customized to include your favorite herbs and spices or complement your favorite main dish. This particular recipe uses lemon, garlic, and a little bit of parmesan cheese to pair well with chicken dishes. 




If you’re looking for a tasty spin on a classic main dish, these chicken and broccoli-stuffed peppers are a hearty and delicious option any time of year. They still include a portion of rice as most stuffed pepper recipes do (I recommend substituting the white rice with brown rice), but rely on the fiber and nutrients in broccoli to fill you up while supplementing some of the carbs.



One of my favorite parts of a summertime party are all of the light and luscious side dishes. Unfortunately, part of the reason these are usually SO irresistable is because they’re usually packed with creamy calories in the form of mayo as a dressing base. This particular recipe calls for a homemade dressing instead, using greek yogurt, honey, lemon, and apple cider vinegar. Make it in a big batch to bring to your next BBQ, or serve it as a side as part of your next family dinner.




There is nothing I love more than finding healthy alternatives that mimic my favorite foods, while still tasting amazing. Stir fry is not only a savory dish that can quench your craving for a variety of Asian cuisines, but it can also be pulled off very easily and is completely customizable in terms of which meats and veggies you choose to cook up. This particular recipe is vegan and relies on broccoli and mushrooms as the main base. 




And last—but certainly not least—everyone needs a go-to mac and cheese substitute in their healthy living arsenal of recipes. When I first started investigating vital aging and how to cook while relying more on whole foods than processed ones, adding broccoli to my mac and cheese and using less noodles was the best tip I have ever received. This recipe takes healthy substitutions a step further by replacing noodles with less-starchy quinoa. 


AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO OUR READERS: the information contained in this blog post and on this website is not intended to replace advice from your physician or your healthcare provider. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or botantical/ herbal program. 


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease or health condition.

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