It's all in your commitment and your mindset to forgive.

mindset Feb 11, 2023
You’re learning to let go of anger and lead a more peaceful life. But what about the final step…forgiveness?
It can seem impossible when someone has harmed you deeply to move on from what they’ve done. Even if they’re someone that you’d want an amicable relationship with in the future, forgiveness can feel out of reach. 
The truth about forgiveness is that it isn’t for the other person. It’s for YOU and the peace that it will bring you so you can release the pain of what happened and focus on the future. 
How can you mend relationships with the people who hurt you or come to terms with what happened if closure isn’t an option?
“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." - Martin Luther King
A recipe for forgiveness. It's all in your commitment and your mindset to forgive.
1 cup of kindness. 3 cups compassion. 1 cup forgetful heart. 4 tsp of courage.1 cup of kindness. 
PLAN a peace meeting.
EMPATHIZE with their feelings.
ATTACK the problem, not the person. 
COOPERATE as much as possible.
EMPHASIZE reconciliation, not resolution.
Here are 5 important things to remember to help you forgive those who have hurt you:
  1. Forgiveness doesn’t just come with time. It’s a choice.
  2. If you keep anger and revenge inside of you, it turns you sour and bitter. 
  3. Remember if you keep taking the poison hoping it will hurt the person who has harmed you, it is only killing you.
  4. Work on accepting a mindset of forgiveness and acceptance 
  5. Be empathetic. Try to visualize the situation from the other side; no one is perfect.
Need inspiration on your path to forgiveness? My book, Zesty Changes, shares incredible stories of empowerment and forgiveness in situations that took incredible strength to overcome. If they can do it, so can you.
Zesty Changes will be FREE for one day only. Make sure you’re following me so you can find out the release date and download your copy. In the meantime…get your free gift:

How to Control Your Mindset 
I have this extra gift for you in my Facebook group, Zesty Women 50, 60, 70. Just click on the button below and you can get the weekly gifts that go along with this newsletter, as well as access to a supportive sisterhood of inspiring women. 

This week's gift is called Mindset. You can find it under the Guides tab. 
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