Find Zesty Joy in Everyday Life with Holistic Health and Sustainable Weight Loss

joy-in-movement Apr 05, 2022

Hello, my lovely ladies! πŸ’ƒ 

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting! 🧰

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

⏰Get Up, πŸ’ƒGet Dressed,σ°£°Get Out πŸ›ŒπŸ’ƒπŸž 

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body and get out having fun. Those were days when you were rocking your bucket list with friends and family. Let's recapture that zest for life! Enjoy lasting results–revitalize and transform! You will finally lose that stubborn menopausal belly fat and keep it off. Enjoy all these benefits while safeguarding your health. My clients who are using the zesty tool box program and the daily zesty planner and tracker are empowered to find even more joy in their transformation as they build healthy reserves. They are up leveling their immunity as they are loving their revitalized, slimmer, zesty self as they enter the best years of their lives. 

The Joy of Starting Fresh Every Day πŸŒ…

Every morning is a new beginning. The moment you open your eyes, you have a fresh start. Begin with a positive mindset. 😊 One of my favorite rituals is starting the day with a glass of lemon water for weight loss. πŸ‹ Not only does it revitalize your body, but it also sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which is great for your skin, and the water helps to kickstart your metabolism.

Embrace the Outdoors with Rucking for Seniors 🚢‍♀️ 

Ladies, have you heard of rucking? It’s simply walking with weight. Rucking for seniors is a fantastic way to combine cardio and strength training. Whether it's a backpack with a few books or a specialized ruck, this activity can boost your fitness levels and safeguard your health. 🌳 Plus, it gets you out into the fresh air, which is a joy in itself! 

Create Your Bucket List for Natural Weight Loss 🎯

One way to infuse joy into your weight loss journey is by creating a bucket list for natural weight loss. What activities have you always wanted to try? Dancing, hiking, maybe even a fun cooking class? 🎨 These activities not only help you lose weight but also bring a sense of achievement and excitement into your life.

Track Your Progress with the Zesty Planner πŸ““

Ladies, staying organized and tracking your progress is key. That’s where the Zesty Planner comes in. This planner is perfect for tracking your weight loss journey. It helps you set goals, monitor your food intake, and celebrate your milestones. πŸŽ‰ Keeping track of your progress not only keeps you accountable but also lets you see how far you’ve come.

The Power of a Positive Mindset 🌈

A positive mindset is your best ally on this journey. Embrace affirmations, practice gratitude, and surround yourself with positivity. 🌟 Find joy in small things – a blooming flower, a good book, or a heartfelt conversation with a friend. Your mindset has a huge impact on your overall well-being and can make your weight loss journey a delightful experience.

Nourish Your Body with Wholesome Foods 🍎

Eating nourishing, wholesome foods is vital. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. πŸ₯‘ Avoid processed foods and sugars that can wreak havoc on your gut health. Preparing meals at home gives you control over what goes into your body and ensures you’re getting the nutrients you need.

Connect with Like-Minded Women πŸ‘­

Community and support are essential. Connect with like-minded women who share your goals. Join local groups, online forums, or even create your own support group. The camaraderie, shared experiences, and encouragement can keep you motivated and bring immense joy to your journey. πŸ€—

Self-Care is Non-Negotiable πŸ›

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Take time for yourself, whether it’s a relaxing bath, reading a good book, or simply sitting in silence and meditating. 🧘‍♀️ Self-care helps reduce stress, renew your health, and brings balance to your life.

Embrace New Hobbies and Interests 🌺 

Learning something new is a wonderful way to keep your mind sharp and your spirits high. 🎨 Whether it’s painting, gardening, or even learning a new language, embracing new hobbies can add a spark of joy to your everyday life.

Celebrate Every Milestone 🎊

Every step forward is a victory. Celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Lost a pound? Celebrate! Walked an extra mile? Celebrate! 🎈 These celebrations keep you motivated and remind you that you are making progress.

The Importance of Sleep 🌜

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep is essential for weight loss, gut health, and overall well-being. Create a bedtime routine that helps you unwind and get the restful sleep your body needs. πŸŒ™

Stay Hydrated πŸ’§

Hydration is key to health and vitality. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Consider herbal teas or infused water with fruits and herbs for a refreshing twist. 🌿 Staying hydrated helps with digestion, energy levels, and maintaining healthy skin. 

Mindful Eating 🍽️

Practice mindful eating. Pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. Slow down, savor each bite, and listen to your body’s signals. 🍷 This not only helps with weight loss but also enhances your overall relationship with food.

Surround Yourself with Positivity 🌸 

Surround yourself with positive influences – people, environments, and activities that uplift and inspire you. 🌻 Limit exposure to negativity and focus on what brings you joy and peace.

The Joy of Giving Back ❀️

Giving back is a powerful way to find joy and fulfillment. Volunteer, mentor, or simply lend a helping hand to someone in need. Acts of kindness not only benefit others but also bring a sense of purpose and happiness to your life.

Plan for the Future, Live in the Present πŸ•°οΈ

While it’s important to have goals and plans for the future, it’s equally important to live in the present. Enjoy the here and now. 🌺 The journey is just as important as the destination. Make the most of each moment.

Keep a Gratitude Journal πŸ“– 

Keeping a gratitude journal can transform your perspective. Each day, write down things you are grateful for. This practice shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life. 🌼 Gratitude brings joy and contentment.

The Magic of Laughter πŸ˜‚ 

Laughter truly is the best medicine. Find reasons to laugh every day. Watch a funny movie, share a joke with a friend, or simply allow yourself to be silly. 🀣 Laughter reduces stress, boosts your immune system, and brings immense joy.

Final Thoughts: Embrace Your Zesty Life! 🌟 

My dear ladies, finding joy in everyday life is about embracing who you are, where you are, and making the most of it. 🌞 It’s about cherishing the little things, celebrating the big things, and finding beauty in the journey. As your zesty, empathetic coach, I’m here to remind you that age is just a number, and joy is a choice.

Let’s make every day vibrant, joyful, and filled with zest. Here’s to living our best years with grace, health, and happiness. Cheers to a joyful, zesty life! 🍾✨
Your Zesty Friend & Mentor,

Sharon North Pohl 🌸🌟

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πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Remember my info is generic  and educational only.  Please check with your healthcare provider before embarking on any  changes in diet or exercise


#holistichealth #naturalweightloss #loosemenopauseweight #guthealth #ruckingweightloss #lemonshealth #planner  #seniorhealth #bucketlist #bellyfat

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