Who else over 50 wants to lose their tummy bulge FOR GOOD?

Lose That Stubborn Weight
Get Over Those Mood Swings
& Take Charge of Your Life...

... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring NO RESULTS?





Natural Weight Loss Course For Women Over 50

What If There Was a Way for You to:

Lose That Stubborn Weight,
Get Over Those Mood Swings
& Take Charge of Your Life...
... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring NO RESULTS?

Hi, I'm Sharon North Pohl, and like you, I know what it's like to feel bloated and frustrated, wishing you could flip a switch and go back to how you were before age 50. You don't need to feel helpless.  Here's what I want for you... ...

Get Started Today

Don't let your age control your lifestyle, let your lifestyle control your age.

Would you like to:

➔ Lose weight permanently?
➔ Regain vibrant health?
➔ And FINALLY END THE WAR with your body?

If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here.

You see I've made it my mission to help women break free of the weight loss and low-energy hamster wheel once and for all! This coaching program & wellness course helps you lose weight naturally and is specifically designed for women over 50 so they can feel Zesty again!


It's Time To Get Up, Get Dressed & Get Going!


Join the "Nourish & Revitalize" course today to reclaim your ZESTY SELF!

Ready To Rock Life After 50?


This holistic wellness course, expertedly designed by Sharon North Pohl, helps you experience weight loss naturally and transform fear into freedom, doubt into confidence, and turn your body into a partner for life.


Let's make these next years your best years!

But how can you achieve lasting weight management, when nothing's worked for you in the past?


It's actually a lot easier than you think - simply by following the right strategy and step-by-step guidance you'll get every step of the way, you'll see results! This program is unlike anything you've tried before.


As a certified Life Coach & Holistic Weight Loss Coach, I created the “Nourish and Revitalize” program because I'm passionate about helping women like you unbridle the extraordinary within themselves. Whether you're struggling with low energy, lack of time, or just want to take your health to the next level, I'm here to walk beside you every step of the way. From mindful eating techniques and safe exercise routines to stress management success, this program is your one-stop for extraordinary health and vitality. You've got your wellness coach on speed dial!


Your Zesty Mentor,

Sharon North Pohl






Accomplish more for your well-being in the next 13 weeks than others do in years!


 "I never thought I'd feel this energized and confident again, but this program was the restart that changed everything."
Sarah L., 62


Ready to nourish and revitalize your life? 


It's time to get up with more energy, get dressed loving your body, and get out to rock your bucket list!

Join Us Now



Join this transformative 13-week journey that will take your health and vitality to a whole new level. ✨


Stay focused & make steady progress

 Overcome fatigue and master sustainable healthy habits

 Your road map to feeling zesty again!


  Feel better, look better, be happier ✨  



Join Now


Here's what is included...

  • 2x monthly live calls throughout the 13 weeks for accountability and support
  • Direct access to Sharon for quick wellness questions & confidence coaching
  • 13 powerful video trainings from Sharon, specifically curated for each week
  • Unlimited access to the online course to rewatch and go at your own pace 
  • "Nourish & Thrive Blueprint" for natural weight loss and holistic wellness
  • Actionable worksheets to support your lasting transformation
  • A proven roadmap to your goals and living a Zesty life after 50
  • Exclusive access to our supportive "incubator" community
  • A $1300+ bonus package with amazing tools! 🎁 


You'll enjoy...


Proven Framework

The "Nourish and Revitalize" course targets the four key areas that matter most: mindset, nutrition, movement, and consistent action. This laser-focused approach eliminates wasted time and effort so you can have and sustain great results.

Personalized Coaching

Unlike generic courses, you get direct access to live expert guidance. Our professional coaches provide tailored advice to accelerate your progress and overcome obstacles quickly. We're here to support you every step of the way along your wellness journey.

Lasting Results

Let's make these next years the best years of your life!  Each week builds on the last, creating rapid momentum for holistic weight loss and natural weight management. You're not piecing together random tips – you're following a carefully crafted roadmap to success.

Accountability & Support 

With 2x monthly coaching calls and a supportive community, you stay motivated and on track. This consistent engagement leads to faster, more sustainable results.

Easy Implementation

You'll apply what you learn right away in your daily life, seeing real-world improvements from week one. This hands-on approach accelerates your learning curve dramatically.

No More Guesswork

Finally, an easy and fun way to put together all the pieces you need to transform your health and deepen your connection with your body so you can live your zestiest life.

I'm Ready! It's My Time To Thrive!

Want to know why most of the diets you've probably already tried DIDN'T work?

Regular diets don't work for women as we age because:


While often tempting for short-term weight loss, restrictive diets are not the most effective or sustainable approach for women over 50. Here's why:

1. Muscle Loss: With age, it's common to experience a loss of muscle mass, which can slow down metabolism. Restrictive diets that focus solely on calorie reduction may further contribute to muscle loss, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight in the long run.

2. Nutrient Deficiencies: Restrictive diets often eliminate entire food groups, leading to nutrient deficiencies that can negatively impact overall health, energy levels, and even weight loss efforts. Women over 50 have specific nutritional needs to support bone health, prevent chronic diseases, and maintain cognitive function. A balanced diet including micronutrients is essential to meet these requirements.

3. Sustainability and Adherence: Restrictive diets can be difficult to stick to and maintain long-term, especially when faced with social events, travel, or busy lifestyles.

 If you...

➔ Have read all the books, subscribed to every health magazine, and even splurged on that fancy new exercise equipment.

➔ But despite your best efforts, that magical energy and vitality you've been chasing feels like a mirage in the desert.

➔ Have tried different diets, each with their own "foolproof" method, but nothing seems to feel right.

➔ Low-carb, keto, intermittent fasting - you've given them all a shot.

➔ Still feel like you are struggling to find the time to eat right, exercise, & maybe still battling those nerves every time you step on the scale.

➔ If sometimes doubt creeps in, whispering that maybe you're not "enough" or just not cut out for this...

You can enjoy a Zesty Life, too!

This course is different –

Restrictive diets often lead to yo-yo dieting and frustration, which has an even greater negative impact on our health as we age. Let's get you on track for lasting vitality with the "Nourish & Revitalize" course. It's risk-free to enroll now with our 15-day satisfaction guarantee. Experience lasting natural weight loss and wellness the Zesty Change way! 

More Questions? Book Call with Sharon

The "Nourish & Revitalize" course gets amazing results because:

We focus on overall health and a sustainable approach to weight management that prioritizes overall health, well-being, and enjoyment of food.

And the good news is, you don't have to struggle alone anymore. Phew!

➔ You also don't need to spend years of your life trying to piece together conflicting health advice from countless experts and fad diets

➔ Or feel frustrated and defeated because you're not making progress

➔ Or invest your life savings in expensive weight loss programs that may not have your best interests at heart

Are you ready to rediscover your vitality?

The "Nourish & Revitalize" course is your roadmap to a healthier, happier you and is specifically designed for women over 50 so they can feel Zesty again!

Along with weight loss and natural weight management, you can enjoy these other results:

➔ You wake up each morning, filled with energy & clarity instead of fatigue.

➔ Your body feels strong and capable, genuinely happy to move and be active.

➔ As you begin your day, it feels like a dance between mind and body working in harmony.

➔ You notice your clothes fitting better, and you can read your body's subtle signals like an open book.

 It's not just about improved health. Your entire relationship with yourself has transformed.

Your Zest is Back!

➔ Challenges no longer ruffle you - you approach them with curiosity and patience, knowing you have the tools to work through them.

 Meal planning becomes a cherished opportunity for nourishment - not just a chore.

➔ You're not just healthier - you're a better partner, a confident leader, and a pioneer in a new era of ageless living.

➔ Feel the rush of confidence as you become the leader your body truly wants to follow.

This is more than a wellness program – it's a way of being that spills confidence into all areas of life.

Are you ready to experience the ZESTY CHANGE?

Yes, I'm Ready! *Limited Time Discount*

What are the 3 Common Mistakes
Women Over 50 Make About Weight Loss?


VERY FEW women are able to take that consistent action (because life gets busy & they lack a supportive, accountability-driven system), and when they do, they often focus on the wrong things. 


Women over 50 often face unique challenges when it comes to weight loss.


Here are three common mistakes or misconceptions they may encounter:

Assuming Slow Metabolism is the Sole Culprit

While it's true that metabolism slows down with age, it's not the only factor influencing weight. Lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, play a significant role. Focusing solely on metabolism can lead to frustration and ineffective weight loss strategies.

Over-Restricting Calories

Drastic calorie cuts can lead to nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, and a slowed metabolism. It's essential to implement a balanced approach that provides adequate nutrition while supporting weight loss.

Ignoring Strength Training

Many women over 50 prioritize cardio exercises, but strength training is equally important for weight loss and overall health. Building muscle can boost metabolism and help maintain bone density.

Remember, a sustainable weight loss journey involves a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and addressing any underlying health issues.

And having goals and support keeps us going!


Count Me In!

Imagine what it feels like when:

  • Every time you looked in the mirror, you saw a vibrant, confident woman looking back at you...
  • Your days are filled with growing energy, willingness, and a deep sense of vitality...
  • And when you have an off day, you are ok. We do live in a real world where nothing is perfect all the time...
  • You have the confidence and the skills to handle it...
  • This is how it should be... and how it can be for you too!
  • Best of all, you notice every single day that your connection with your body is growing stronger, your confidence is soaring, and you're achieving things you once only dreamed of! ✨

What would it be worth to you, to feel like your zestier self again?

Here's what it's meant to others...

Jane B

I can't tell you how much Sharon North Pohl's guidance, coaching, and the principles in her program have helped me! Her encouragement has kept me practicing those principles, keeping me healthy, and alleviating my stress.

Peggy A

Sharon's program is like a fun adventure for your health. I never thought I could enjoy eating healthy and moving my body so much! 

Ashley N

Sharon is that rare type of person who "walks the walk." She's vibrant, wise, focused, patient, and helps those she works with to embody those same qualities.

Jacque N

Sharon is like a Phoenix, who rises from the ashes of adversity and thrives for another life adventure. She not only does this for herself but has helped me and countless others do the same. She is a life wellness and weight management mentor extraordinaire.

Are you ready to...?


- Get up with more energy


- Get dressed loving your body


- Get out to rock your bucket list!


Then, let's make it happen... 👉 Join "Nourish & Revitalize" Course

Your health is your best insurance policy.


The "Nourish and Revitalize" course helps you:


  • Boost your energy with a powerful morning routine
  • Reduce stress and anxiety with simple relaxation techniques
  • Optimize your sleep for deeper, more restful nights
  • Transform your gut health for improved digestion and overall well-being
  • Master mindful eating for sustainable weight management
  • Fuel your body with the right nutrients for optimal health
  • Love your body through self-care and gratitude
  • Detoxify your life and eliminate sneaky weight-loss saboteurs
  • Build a supportive community to cheer you on every step of the way
  • Ignite your passions and live a life filled with purpose
  • Celebrate your amazing transformation and create a bucket list of adventures

Let's take a look at what's inside

So, what are we working on in our "Incubator"?

This holistic natural weight loss coaching program is specifically designed for women over 50 so they can feel Zesty again!

Together we will dive into a revolutionary wellness program that has been carefully designed by your wellness expert Sharon North Pohl. She hands you the "Nourish and Revitalize Blueprint," which is a unique framework for women over 50 that empowers you to forge an unbreakable bond with your body through connection-based wellness and personal growth.

Elevate your health, amplify your confidence, and watch as you move through the world in perfect alignment, embodying the true essence of extraordinary vitality.

Week by week we will work through the "Nourish & Revitalize Blueprint." And if you are a fast action taker and want even more resources, you will have instant access to over 20 hours of supplemental training to get you started.

You're worth it! Let's create a life you absolutely adore. This quote from Elizabeth Dhokia says it perfectly:

"Alignment is when our thoughts, life choices, and direction all honor our core values. Alignment is when we listen to our intuition and move through the world embodying our true selves. It's when we take a holistic approach to our well-being.

Alignment is function and action with ease." 

Some powerful topics we cover...
Ageless Confidence Cornerstones
  • Mindset Mastery
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Stress Management
  • Self-Care Rituals
Pillars of Vitality
  • Nutrition for Longevity
  • Natural Weight Management
  • Holistic Body Maintenance
  • Joyful Movement
  • Restorative Sleep
  • Hormone Balance
"Nourish and Revitalize" Alignment Effect…
  • Goal Setting & Vision Casting
  • Weight Management without Restrictive Diets
  • Time Management for Wellness
  • Creating Sustainable Habits
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Celebrating Milestones & Goals!


I'm Ready for More Zest!

Here's what you can expect


In addition to receiving this transformative course and live support, we have contests and prizes to keep you rocking! Stay tuned for Zesty Contests in our "incubator" to stay connected, on track, have fun, and win prizes!

This 13 Week Course Includes:

  • 2x monthly live calls for accountability and support
  • Direct access to Sharon for quick wellness answers & coaching Monday through Friday
  • A supportive "incubator" for your transformation with live coaching and email support plus a private community cheering you on
  • Your private invitation to join the exclusive Facebook Group with other Zesty members
  • A quick and easy onboarding form so I have all your information & get to know you better!
  • Your login for the "Nourish & Revitalize" course with unlimited access to the training library
  • You can start right away with the first training, then a new lesson unlocks every Tuesday
  • Unlimited access to the online course to rewatch and go at your own pace 
  • BONUSES: Over $1300+ worth of bonuses including a private jumpstart session, personal email support, the Zesty Library & Zesty Tool Box plus a colorful printed 3-month planner & exercise band shipped to you.

Getting Started

Get your transformation on the right path with your jumpstart call with Sharon North Pohl, your holistic weight loss and wellness coach.

In the welcome email is the link to complete your onboarding form before the session and share the biggest challenges you've faced tackling life after age 50. You'll receive actionable tips & personalized recommendations you can implement during your program for lasting results.

During your private jumpstart call, we will cover:

    • Upcoming schedule & live class agendas
    • Explaining the optional "Challenge" within the program and how to go for the grand prize
    • Uncovering the 3 most common success paths and your route for lasting results
    • Customizing your wellness plan
    • Answering questions and setting yourself up for success

We will then meet live 2x a month on our Group Coaching and Q&A to keep you moving forward.

Share and upload your progress in the private Facebook Group for feedback or if it feels too personal share it with me directly. 

You are supported during your entire transformation!


Your next steps for lasting well-being


  1. Make the decision to commit to your success, keep the promises you make to yourself and Grab Your Spot! Welcome to our Zesty World!

  2. Click any pink SIGN UP button on this page and choose pay-in-full or weekly payments

  3. Make payment then check your email for an email with the subject line "Congratulations for Joining the 'Nourish & Revitalize' 13 Week Transformation!" (Give your welcome email up to 5 minutes to arrive and if you don't see it, please check spam and then email [email protected] if not received)

In the welcome email you will find links to: 

  • Book your private jumpstart session
  • Submit your onboarding form
  • Start your first lesson in the "Nourish & Thrive" course
  • Join our private Facebook community and introduce yourself - we're here to cheer you on!
  • You'll find the current schedule for live calls plus the latest info & contests in the Facebook Group

I'm here to support you every step of the way through your transformation.

See you inside our private "incubator" very soon!

Your Zesty Mentor,

Sharon North Pohl

P.S. Can you spy me in this fun photo? I look forward to seeing your Zesty photos, too!

👉 Yes! I'm ready to join! 👈

Limited Time Offer


Your course includes all of these bonuses

Unlock a treasure trove of bonus resources that complement your "Nourish and Revitalize" experience.

Elevate your wellness routine with a collection of these bonuses that will inspire and guide you toward a healthier, happier you.

Private Jumpstart Call

Set yourself up for lasting success during your 30-minute jumpstart call with Sharon North Pohl, your holistic weight loss and wellness coach.

Share the biggest challenges you've faced tackling life after age 50. Receive actionable tips & personalized recommendations you can implement during your program for lasting results.

Personal Coaching

  • 13 weeks in a safe, supportive "incubator" to focus on your health & vitality
  • 2x monthly live group calls with Sharon via Zoom for accountability and inspiration, and to help you overcome any challenges
  • Includes email support throughout your program for fast, personalized answers

Printed “Zesty Changes” #1 Best Selling Book by Sharon North Pohl

This is your guide to a healthier you and is packed with practical advice and inspirational stories of overcoming intense life challenges. 

Walk the path of your own revitalization to infuse your life with the zest you’ve been missing. 

6 months FREE access to premium content library

Let's make sure you thrive after 50! Utilize the Zesty Library to stay motivated, lose weight naturally, and enjoy maintaining your zesty figure. Topics include top health tips for seniors, menopause, hormones, weight management & much more.

Exercise Band With Printed Exercises

You’ll love this exercise band featuring simple illustrated exercises printed right on the rubber band itself. Sculpt a stronger, more confident you with this portable exercise band, offering targeted strength training anywhere in the world!

3-Month Printed Planner

👉 Preview planner

This jumpstart planner is your accountability partner and keeps you focused for 90 days at a time. You can start anytime with this colorful, printed, un-dated planner. Regularly using your planner makes it easier to lose weight and sustain results.

Zesty Tool Box

Three essential booklets full of great tips to rock senior citizen status as a zesty queen-ager. Whether you want to fit back into your jeans, get rid of belly fat, or keep up with your grandkids, there's no need to shy away from having a vibrant life as we age. Let's make these next years the best years of your life!

Claim my bonuses

Here is everything included in the "Nourish and Revitalize" course when you join now

When you join this program, you'll receive:


The "Nourish & Revitalize" course is valued at $997

And you'll also get these bonuses:

  5. ZESTY TOOL BOX ($47) 




  Total Value = ($2299.94)  




Only $197

One Time Payment


Regular price $497



I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below

Are You Ready?

Ready to experience a healthier, happier you? The "Nourish and Revitalize" program offers 13 weeks of expert guidance and support to help you achieve your weight loss & wellness goals. Join a community of like-minded women committed to their health and wellness. Enroll now and unlock your full potential for a long life of vitality!
Has it been years since you felt like your Zesty Self? Don't wait any longer. Invest in yourself because it's your turn to put yourself first. Join the Zesty Change wellness movement today so you can make these next years your best years!


I'll see you on the inside!


👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Are You Ready ?

Ready to experience a healthier, happier you? Nourish and Revitalize offers 13 weeks of expert guidance and support to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Limited spots available! Join a community of like-minded women who are committed to their health and wellness Enroll now and unlock your full potential."
Don't wait any longer. Invest in yourself, it's your turn to put yourself first and start your Zesty  Change today!

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready

Money-Back Guarantee: We're so confident in the value of all Zesty products and services that we offer a 15-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchases, simply let us know within 15 days for a full refund. Physical products must be returned in new condition and return shipping will be at the customer's own expense. Or you can keep the physical products and deduct $65 from your refund.

Disclaimer: Although this program works for most women to improve their health and manage weight, we do not guarantee individual results. All content and information shared by Zesty Change & Sharon North Pohl are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to be and should not be taken as professional medical, psychological, or proven health advice. Zesty Change and Sharon North Pohl do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability of its content for a particular purpose. While we hope this information is valuable for you, it’s no replacement for a doctor’s care. Always consult with your healthcare professional as you prepare for your senior years and embark on your holistic, natural weight loss journey.