Here’s a leg up to get your year off to a great start!
The Zesty Life Extraordinary Life Planner Quick Start Guide is below

Everything You Need To Know To Make The Most Of Your Extraordinary Life Planner
Set yourself up to live with strength, focus & massive momentum using your passion for life as the ultimate tool for living your best life.
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Planner Quick Start Your Extraordinary Year Workshop Replay Wild Life Mastery Bonuses

Create A Life You Love
The Extraordinary Planner is designed to help you balance your entire life in one happy place

Together we will create a coach in your “pocket” to keep you moving forward!
The Extraordinary Life Planner
has the tools you need to accomplish your goals
and live at your best…and rock your bucket list
“As we show up more & more in our lives as our truest, best self, our life & dreams transforms to the extraordinary.”
Let’s get started!
Here’s a step by step guide to the science, successful life principles & high-performance strategies behind the planner
& how to set it up quickly & easily.
Remember for a deeper dive into inspiration, specific exercises & guidance refer to the “Your Extraordinary Year… Fresh Start Workshop”
The best place to start is where you are…
And where you are is EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.
A Quick Big Picture Overview. A Word of Warning. Motivation. Inspiration…
Before we jump in, a little love note…
None of this is meant to feel like pressure. You DO NOT have to have everything figured out. You DO NOT need anything more than you have.
You may not need every page in this planner today. If you will just create the first 6 pages and review them every morning☀ your life will start to transform.
If & when the process feels sloppy or hard… if you find yourself staring at a blank page ✏pencil something in and move forward…you will discover the “answers” when you look for them.
Keep going. I promise you, you will be so glad you did.
Supporting Download
You will find the “Quick Start Guide” to tear out in the back of your printed planner. Click here to download if you need another one.
Step 1: Capture Your Vision To Set Your Destination
👉 Have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in your life, the impact you want to make and who you want to become.
👉Not only do you want to be clear, but make it exciting & inspiring to keep you motivated for times when things are not easy.
👉Make this as simple or as complex as you need! Start with one goal written out if you’d like. Do not get stuck here! Keep moving.
Supporting Downloads
Power-full Words Sheet for brainstorming your “Manifesto” Page
Click here to download
Bonus Training
Zesty life Core Value Clarity” Worksheet
Click here to download
Congratulations!! You are making progress!
Step 2: Plan Your Work… Create An Action Plan
👉 Now that you have determined your destination & goals, it’s time to make it actionable.
👉Make a list. Mind map.
👉 Add due dates,milestones & specifics.
👉 Prioritize
👉 You can use Monthly Task List Pages to break this down further.
👉 These tasks will later be assigned to your weekly pages.
Supporting Downloads
Zesty Life G.O.A.L. Blueprint Worksheet
Here’s an extra worksheet just to help you brainstorm how tasks can look broken down over a year’s time Click here to download
Link to the “zesty Pathfinder Process” The One Page Plan That Makes Everything Possible Experience
Can you see how taking tiny strides each day you can do most anything?
Step 3: Create Your Success Habits
👉 Habits and the daily discipline of life does not sound fun. So, we call them “Bliss-iplines
👉Create the daily rituals, you will be disciplined to do every day to be sure you feel your best, have the strength to follow through, be at your best & find your “bliss”!
👉 Also create a list, on this page, 5 things that you will do to stay on the course when life tries to take you off course.
yep, you got this. Keep going…
Step 4: Design Your Best Day

👉 Create the best daily, weekly & morning schedule that works for you, this will give you a template to follow to save time as you plan out your weekly schedule.
Now you are cooking with gas! Keep going…
Step 5: Set Up Your Growth Assessment Tracker

👉 Empower yourself by assigning areas you are working on to track monthly.
👉 This will help you to see how far you have come and areas you need to work on before you get out of balance.
It’s coming together!
Step 6: Create A Big Picture View For The Year Ahead

👉 Create a year at a glance page, this will help you to see the year ahead and your milestones & big dates all in one place.
**Pro Tip: Put all the planned events... dream vacation in pencil so you will know when they are and be prepared, but if you can’t go, you just erase it and go. BUT at least you won’t miss something because you don’t have in your schedule!
Keep going you are almost there!
Step 7: Number Your Days

👉 Fill in the dates on your monthly calendar and 1 month of the weekly schedule pages
The Zesty Life Planner arrives updated for 2 reasons…
1. You can get started at any time of the year
2. It is a powerful exercise to write with your own hand the days that lie before you
Included with your planner you should find an Annual Calendar to hang in your planning space. Use this to help you to fill in your dates. If you need another one you can download it here.
** pro tip: use the printed Annual Planner to help you to “number your days”. Go to the month and fill in the dates of all the Sundays, then when you go back and fill in the rest of the days you will know right away if you are off track. You will be shocked how fast you can do this! ✏
You are so close!
Step 8: Create Your First Monthly Master Task List

👉 If you created a plan on the “Goal Blueprint” in Step 2 go back and pull what you had planned for milestones for this month and put it on the left side. Life goals always need wiggle room adjust as necessary AND give yourself grace!
👉 Create your first monthly master to do list working off of your “Chip Away” List.
👉 You can also use this page as a monthly journal to write down your highlights.
Pro Tip: If you are like me and prefer to work off of a master task lists, but you have multiple business projects + multiple house projects download and printout as many of these checklists as you need for different projects, then paper clip them to the “Monthly To-Do List” page, then assign the tasks into your weekly & daily schedule to check your lists off one stride at a time!
Almost to the finish line! Keep going!!
Step 9: Get Your Dreams Out Of Your Head & Into Your Schedule

👉 Create your first weekly schedule! Use your “perfect day” schedules as a template & fill in the blanks. Pull your tasks from your “Monthly Master List”
Just one more quick step and you’ve got your foundation planned for the year. (this should say 95% complete not 90%! Almost ready to ride!)
Step 10: Fill In The Pages In The Back Of The Planner

👉 These pages are pretty self-explanatory, use them as you wish!
👉 The coloring page at the end of the book is meant to destress or fill in a little space to reward yourself for making progress, and watch the color fill in!
You did it!!!!! Now keep building.
Day by Day LIVE the live you ♥
Your Extraordinary Year Workshop Replay
Want more training, tracking, challenges & support?
Come join us on the ride at the Riding.Academy!

Zesty Change
simple solutions to an extraordinary life
The story behind the Zesty Life planner…
The story behind the Zesty Life planner…
In 2007, I couldn’t stay on track. Depressed. Overwhelmed. Totally stuck.
I was totally obsessed personal development & time management, but something wasn’t clicking. I couldn’t find a system that I could stick with.
My life was all over the place, and I couldn’t get consistent enough working with my life to make any type of progress.
Finally, I had enough.
I sat down on my old laptop & put everything I had learned through my years of studying all in one place and the first raw version of my zesty planner was born.
Since that day typing away on my rickety old desk in my bedroom, I have been able to…
create zesty life took back team,
coach women from all over the world online,
travel all over the world & move back to my Grandparents farm in Illinois,
finally, get control of health
progress daily in following my passion and fulfill my bucket list.
I am not saying life is always perfect or without struggles but, trust me, if I can go from starting at rock bottom to a life I could only dream was possible in the past,
imagine what you can do!!!
Sharon North Pohl
Creator of The Zesty life Extraordinary Life Planner
Zesty Change
simple solutions to an extraordinary life
change lives.
Find your way around…
Let’s Be Friends
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